Consent to check Centrelink details:
I authorise:
*Lower Murray Water (LMW) to use Centrelink confirmation eServices to perform a Centrelink/Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) enquiry of my Centrelink/DVA customer details and concession card status in order to enable the business to determine if I qualify for a concession.
*The Australian Government Department of Human Services (the department) to provide the enquiry results to LMW.
I understand that:
*The Department will use information I have provided to LMW to confirm my eligibility for the concession and will disclose to LMW personal information including my name, address, concession card type and status.
*This consent, once signed, remains valid while I am a customer of LMW unless I withdraw it by contacting LMW or the Department.
*I can obtain proof of my circumstances/ details from the Department and provide it to LMW so that my eligibility for the concession can be determined.
*If I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances/details, I may not be eligible for the concession provided by LMW.
Privacy Statement: This information is collected by the DHHS & LMW for the purpose of administering your concessions. Without this information, we are unable to provide your concession. You are able to request access to the personal information that we hold about you and to request that it be corrected if necessary. Contact the Concessions Information Line on 1800 658 521 with any queries about this statement.