4. Pumps on D&S Installation
- A pump may be used to fill the approved storage if there is not sufficient pressure from the LMW supply system to do this.
- The maximum pump size shall be 20mm diameter centrifugal or pressure pump with an output of no greater than 0.6 l/s from gravity pipelines or 0.75 l/s from medium/high pressure pipelines or channels.
- The pump shall be fitted with a cut-off switch to prevent overstopping when the tank is full.
- The pump can only be used to fill the approved storage and must not be used to water directly onto the property.
5. Approved Storage
It is recommend LMW customers who receive a D&S Water Supply should have adquate storage for 6 weeks normal use and the following minimum storage volumes are recommended to cover periods when irrigation systems are not operation eg: winter irrigation schedule.
- Sole supply from LMW (Rural) D&S - minimum recommended storage capacity 45,000 litres, or
- Dual Supply from LMW (Rural) D&S plus urban supply - minimum recommended storage capacity 4,500 litres.
- Earthen storages are not permitted.
6. Connection between LMW supply system and on-property storage
- No tappings are allowed to be installed on the internal pipeline between the tank and the LMW pipeline responsibility for repairs to the pipeline shall be in accordance with Section 9.1 and Attachment 1 of Lower Murray Water's Customer Charter (Rural). In general the owner in low pressure systems the owner is responsible for the pipeline up to the meter assembly and in high pressure systems Lower Murray Water is responsible for the pipeline up to the meter assembly.
7. Meters
- An approved meter installation must be installed on all new connections and be located as close to the distribution system as possible.
- A meter installation may include a meter, filter, flow control valve, pressure reducing valve and all pipe-work immediately before and after these fittings.
- All meters are the property of LMW.
- Where a meter is located on private land, the customer is to provide reasonable access (as determined by LMW) to read the meter and maintain the meter installation site. The meter installation must also be kept clear, to 0.5 metre distance, of all plants, weeds and structures.
8. The customer is responsible:
- To pay all rates, tariffs and charges that are applicable to this supply, as determined by LMW.
- For cleaning the filter
- To not interfere or alter any part of the meter installation other than to clean the filter
- To ensure that meter are readily accessible for reading and maintenance
- To ensure that where private pipelines pass through a property, easement rights in favour of the benefitting properties are obtained.
- To obtain approvals from the relevant Authorities, Land Owner / Land manager or Utility Providers, prior to the trenching of a private pipeline.
9. Shared Private D&S Pipelines
- LMW may allow a shared private community pipeline to a number of separate D&S properties from a single tapping on LMW supply system.
- A separate meter installation must be installed at each internal supply point.
10. Approval Process
- Once the application is approved, the customer is to pay all required installation charges to LMW, who will then arrange for the tapping and subsequent meter to be installed.
- The tapping will only be installed if there is no interruption to the pumping schedule and/or interferes with supply to other customers.
- Once the application is approved, the approval is only valid for the financial year (30 June) in which approval was granted.
- If there is a delay by LMW in the installation process, and changes are made to the relevant Policy or Procedures, then those changes will be applicable at the installation time at no additional cost to the customer.